Thursday, 28 November 2019

Into to Digital Media, Mission 2 - YouTubing (Reflection)

Firstly, I think this presentation is definitely a lot better than my last mission GIF’s. With that in my mind, there was still points to be improved on. I enjoyed doing this mission on YouTubing because I had to learn how to use a software called “Final Cut Pro”. I used this because it was a pre- installed editing software on my Mac. I learned the skill to make my video for YouTube. I learned how to: cut clips and move them around the timeline, add music, delete and duplicate frames, add effects, add text and change the quality from 140p to 720p or 1080p. This was good because considering if you edit a clip in a video it is then yours. I also wanted the quality, so I ended up getting a 720p video. I also learned how to render and upload a video to YouTube. This was very helpful because I would like to start this as a hobby. I also learned how to screenshot on my MacBook. I am using now to show screenshots of my presentation and YouTube channel in the vlogs. I learned all this by researching and watching tutorials, and as ironic as it sounds, on YouTube. 

A few things I discovered while doing this was that it would take a lot more work and a lot more time than I had anticipated. This was great because it showed me and gave a great insight to the skill you need to be a YouTuber and what my favorite YouTubers do every day before they render and upload the final product to YouTube. I also discovered a few things. I discovered that I already knew most editing thing skills that software’s require you to have. This was very helpful in the editing stage of the mission. I also figured that a lot more people knew a lot about YouTube like me. This is one thing I wouldn’t have ever expected. This was handy because I wouldn’t be embarrassed to say anything, I thought we should include in the mission because they were like-minded people like me. I discovered that you shouldn’t include as much History and should always include an intro or contents and an outro or conclusion.  
In this mission we had a lot of successes and failures.  One of the successes my group had was we had very little errors. We had a lot less errors than in our last mission on gifs. This was due to the fact we were more prepared, and we put more work into it. This was also because in the last mission we did GIF’s. This didn’t give us a lot of space to explore and that much to write about. We could still talk for eight minutes, but we ended up including unimportant information. Not only this, it also affected our blogs. It affected our blogs in the way that we had a lot of trouble writing five hundred words for each blog. We also didn’t have as much pictures and didn’t rehearse. This made us default to just reading what people could already read on the PowerPoint.  
 The aspects I was most proud of in this project was the quality of our YouTube video and the design we put into our channel name. I think was because we spend a good chunk of time editing our videos to make them the best we could. 

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