Wednesday, 16 October 2019

GIF Project 002

After all this planning was finished and set in stone, we would then have to put it into action.

First I researched a site called GIPHY and learned how to make a GIF. I found out to save GIF's you would need to make a profile on the site. So after playing around on the site and making GIFs, I made a profile and made three GIFs and then decided on the final product and the one I would use in the presentation.

Then I researched information on GIFs under the topics of:
- How it is pronounced.
- Advantages of GIFs.
- My process of making a GIF.

I used Google, YouTube and my general knowledge to produce this information on the PowerPoint presentation.

After I had made the PowerPoint, I would spellcheck, make all the fonts the same and decorate it with pictures, animations and designs. Then to be safe the group would email them to each other or meet up and review them. This was too make sure there was no spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, having each slide only once and to give honest feedback and constructive critcism to help each other make a better PowerPoint and make our project presentation the best we could.

We also kept in contact and active with each other through email, WhatsApp, Slack and Twitter.

After we had presented the project, we would then write a reflection on what grade we thought we deserved.

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